REDUCED PCOS.{Poly cystic ovary syndrome}

In this run of the mill life,people are unable to eat or eat at a time nor are they able to take care of their own health,and the situation worsens further when it comes to women she is stuck in creating balance between home, office and children In which she always forgets herself and takes care of the health of others. And in this they also have higher stress levels. Amidst all this she compromises her health.

Today's positions of women is more thoughtful.

Such lifestyles create a variety of problems by ignoring their bodies.One of which is PCOD/PCOS disease.Till a few years ago this problem was more common in women aged 30-35,but now this problem has become common even among school going girls and women in the age of 20 years. Women suffering from this disease are at risk of many diseases along with this.

What is P COS ?
Poly cystic ovary syndrome{pocs}or Poly cystic ovary disorder{pcod} is one such medical condition. Which is usually found due to hormonal imbalance in women of reproductive age In this,the level of male hormone -'Androgen' increase in the women body and more then one cysts occur on ovaries.

What are the signs\symptoms of this.

Let us know that the girls who have to face the problem of PCOS .If this problem is detected due to young age then it can be controlled.
Gaining weight in the menstrual cycle fatigue,extra hair growth on body and face,thinning hair have pelvic pain,acne,headache .

How to avoid PCOS

PCOS cannot be cured,but with healthy food it can be stopped by making a small changes in your lifestyle and daily routine.
  • Control weight
  • Regular exercises
  • Take home remedies 
  • Choose the right lifestyles
  • Take care of foods and drinks.    


The world operates primarily and practically in two things.One is MONEY and the other is ENERGY.Yes! without any capital and energy you cannot do any work The energy contained in every process from food to driving is hundred percent sure.If i ask you, what is the name of a process in which no energy is used then what will be your response? from my point of view , you will hardly able to answer this question.


Diabetes patients are also getting younger nowadays, due to this disease ,a person has to keep his sugar level under checks as well as keep him under control. some home remedies can be quite useful in this.

For people struggling with diabetes,the right posture,sitting posture and breathing exercises {breathing exercises} can be called the best yoga for the beginners Asana associated with yoga are especially beneficial for the pancreas.This improves blood flow and its circulation in the pancreas and improves the ability of the body's cells to produced insulin.


Bhujang asanas is called cobra pose in English,It is one of the asanas to control the diabetes and its especially beneficial for the people diabetes 

The best way to aid digestion and get relief  from all stomach related problems If you want to reduced the extra fat around the waist it also helps a lot in that too.


Tad asanas is very basic postures of yoga and it is necessary to maintained the balance of the body.


Every months an egg is released from the ovaries of women .This process is called ovulation. During this time there is a hormonal change in the body of women and the uterus is ready for pregnancy . At the time of ovulation when the egg is not fertilized the lining the uterus
flow out of the vagina.This is called periods or menstruation.
Regular periods is a sign of our body is working normally. You should have regular periods unless you are pregnant,breastfeeding or have a medical condition that causes your periods to stop.
irregular,painful or heavy periods may be signs of a serious health problem irregular periods also can make it harder to get pregnant.