A Drug is a chemical which is given to the people in order to treat or prevent illness or diseases .

Drug are substance that some people take because of their pleasant effects but which are usually illegal.

Taking drugs is becoming a bit of a fashion nowadays,but if its addiction gets badly then it is very difficult to get rid of it.In many cases the patient gets so badly addicted to drugs that if he is not giving drugs at the same time ,he dies. It is very bad to lose precious life for momentary happiness. Do you know the names of drugs, which are one of the most deadly and dangerous drugs in the world? If not then read this article of ours.

After capturing youth from all over the world, deadly drugs have made their presence felt on the youth of india . Nowadays in big cities like Delhi, Bangalore now maharashtra also include in taking drugs  Drugs are being supplied with great fearlessness inside the party. People who are addicted to cannabis, heroin, crystal meth, LSD and cocaine ect, advocate its many benefits , while on the other hand doctor and researchers agree that taking drugs continuously can cause depression, lung disease, heart has to face seizures , cancer hallucinations and finally death.


Hashish, cannabis or hemp, by any name,drug users do not get tired of paying a big price for it. You cannot compare cannabis with any other drug because it is very enjoyable to take. However, taking it for long time can cause depression and lung disease.


Crystal meth {methamphetamine} directly affects the brain. Taking it increases the energy and activity of the body. It also makes one feel confident and healthy. It is made illegally and sold worldwide. Significantly, the addiction to crystal meth is not easily relived.   

It is a popular party drug which is one of the most dangerous drugs. By taking this the feels good chemical is released in the brain. Its habit does not disappear soon. The structure of the brain starts changing as soon as you take this drug.These changes in the brain affect the ability to learn and remember.


Heroin is called the queen of the drugs Taking it increases the risk of skin , heart and lung infection, constipation, lack of sex and infertility of women, ect. By relieving its addiction, a person dies.

This is a deadly combination of a HEROIN and COCAINE. For such heroin for their enjoyment,they resort to speed ball. Over doses of this drugs cause many deaths.

Drugs are small molecular weight compounds that in moderate does show a therapeutic {beneficial}effect and in high does show harmful effects. They interact with the macromolecular targets to produce a biological response.A  biological response is body to any foreign agent in the case the drugs. If the biological response to the drug is healing or an improvement in a pre-existing condition,the drugs are called as medicines. If the biological response to the drug is harmful and affects the health and well-being of the person the drugs are called as poison. It is important to note that any beneficial drug in high does is a poison.

What are the effects and consequences when you are using drugs ?

The effects of drugs will vary from person to person depending on the persons characteristics {such as physical size, gender, mood, diet, fitness, age, expectations, and health}.Drug use can impact on your physical and mental health. Some people become depressed, angry, aggressive, sleepy, unmotivated, anxious or talkative.Drugs use can increase the risk of mental health problems,So people with an existing mental health condition should be even more cautious about using drugs.
It can also lead to social problems and have negative effects on relationships with family and friends.As some drugs are illegal, there can also be legal ramifications associated with drug use.

How to stay safe dangers of drugs.

Not taking drugs is the safest options .Most people who are offered don't accept. If you are in a situation you are pressured to take drugs the best thing to do is to remove yourself from the situation and surround yourself with people who don't take drugs. }