{There is a continuous division of cells in our body and this is a normal process, over which the body has complete control. But when the cells of a particular part of the body do not have control of the body and they start growing abnormally, then it is called cancer. As cancerous cells grow,they emerge as tumors (lumps). Although not every tumor has cancerous cells but the tumor which is cancerous,If it is not treated ,it can spread throughout the body.}


Cancer changes are caused by changes in the cell's genes. Changes in genes can also occur on their own or due to some external factors such as {tobacco, viruses, ultraviolet rays , radiation}.Usually the immune system kills such cells but sometimes cancer cells dominate the immune system and then the disease engulfs.


CATERING CORRECT-- Whenever you eat natural and normal things you also remain healthy. Packed food, preserved food, fast food{which are not normal food},ect..,are added to such things which are fresh in appearance, but in really they are rancid.These are made fresh by mixing chemicals. Do not eat such thing.

  • LIFESTYLE FIT--The way we have lived since childhood, we should also live ahead. It should not happen that you should not happen that you should change your good habits when you come from the village or small cities or see others. If we have a habit of getting up early in the morning and going to the park or field do not changes it to wake up late into the night.


  • FIX THE ROUTINE -Waking up before morning sun, being fresh, breakfast,lunch and dinner time.
  • MEDITATION AND RITUCHARYA - All 6 seasons are necessary for the body.   
  1. Be it winter or summer.
  2. Run the heater to avoid cold.
  3. Staying close to the heater for a long time causes loss of blood in the body.
  4. Instead,it is better to heat the whole house.
  5. You can take help of AC in this.
  6. When room temperature is below 23 degrees, it is detrimental to health.Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is the best solution.                 
  • OBSERVANCE OF SADAVRAT-Positive thinking is necessary. Whether it is about yourself or about others.


If you change your diet then it can also help in the treatment of life-threatening disease like CANCER.These has been revealed  in a research conducted a few days ago.
It is a fatal disease and requires a lot of care to avoid it. Earlier, the name of cancer was sometimes heard but cancer disease has become common. As you know, if control your diet in many diseases related to,  diabetes, hypertension, and lifestyle, it can help to manage the disease effectively, but a new research come out a few days ago. Is that a change in diet can  also help in the treatment of a serious disease like CANCER.
  1. GARLIC AND ONION   Garlic and onion are very beneficial in cancer. The sulphur compound found in the garlic and onion kills the cell of large intestine, breast, lungs and prostate cancer.
       Apart from these, garlic control blood pressure and reduce the chance of getting tumors in  the body by reducing the process of insulins production.  

    2.  VEGETABLES   In case of vegetables, cauliflower and broccoli are very beneficial for cancer. Both vegetables help to make the detoxification enzyme. These eliminates the cancer cell and prevent tumors for growing. 
      Both vegetables reduce the risk of lung, prostate, bladder and colon cancer. In addition,  tomate intake reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

3.  FRUITS  Papaya and orange in fruits benefits in cancer. These fruits contain ingredient that eliminate carcinogens in the liver. At the same time, the flavonoids and nobiliten elements found in orange and its peel prevent the formation of cancer cells.  
In addition, grapes reduced the production of cancer particles in the body form anthocyanins and polyphenols.

4. TURMERIC   Turmeric is the most beneficial in cancer. Turmeric have powerful natural anti-cancer properties. It stops the tumor from growing by eliminating the cancer cell. In addition, the effect of chemotherapy increases.    
Turmeric become even more beneficial after mixing oil with black pepper.

5. GINGER  Fresh Ginger is very effective in fighting cancer cell. Ginger helps prevent tumor cells. Ginger extract can helps reduced the problem with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. 

 Hot tea can increase cancer risk by up to 90 percent