Nowadays some people are over thinking .

{look at sohan .sohan got out of his house thinking for the office.He reached his office thinking constantly. On reaching the office , he realized that he has forgotten his lunch box on the bus he come from

In the office too, he was thinking that when a peon came to him and told that he had just signed a wrong place in a file a while back, the boss was very angry coming to him. More while returning from office he started getting headaches due to thinking. When he reached home he started thinking so much about the headache that he could not share a single thing with his family.

He could not even eat food due to a lot of headache at dinner time. Then shortly after, when he was thinking something, his younger son asked him to do his home work, then he scolded his son only in this matter.

Friends ! Many people are living life like sohan. There is a only one reason for a such a chaotic life and that is--excessive thinking.

Everyone is getting very busy in today's busy life. Due to overwork, he has started thinking more. And this overthink is becoming fatal{CAUSING DEATH} for him.


Now let me tell you what are the reasons why people start overthinking.

1.-Nowadays the worked over people is very much. It is becoming difficult to run life properly from any one job. This is why a person has started thinking more along with working more.

2.-One task is not completed that four task are pending. Therefore, nowadays a person while doing one task keeps thinking about another work.

3.-Due to not getting the desired payment from the office, due to not getting the desired respect in the society, many people starts overthinking and for this reason they do not get what they want.

4.-Pressure coming from home and outsides, desire to earn money more, desire to achieve big success before time, ect...There are many reason due to which the person is forced to think more than necessary.

5.-Nowadays there is a competition to overtake each other. however , it is very important to get ahead of others . Such a sense of competition forces anyone overthinking.

[ The way in which overthinking in people people is increasing, It is a matter of great concern. Thinking all the time and not getting any benefit from it, only loss is called worry.

Someone has rightly said that there is no difference between worry and pyre. And even if there is a difference , there is a difference of only one point (.)

By constantly thinking more, our mind becomes like a burning furnace. This burning furnace burns itself and also burns what comes near it. ]

The losses from overthinking are very high. Some of them , I am going to tell you here.

1.-Overthinking causes negativity in our mind we fall victim to negative thinking.

2.-Overthinking, we start thinking of stupid things a lot. These stupid things have no reason nor do they exist.

3.-Overthinking causes us to forget. We start forgetting even the smallest things which make our routine very messy.

4.-Overthinking causes many diseases. Many problems arise in our body due to loss of appetite, pain in the head all the time, irritability.

5.-Overthinking, neither a person can maintain good relations with the society nor can he make good relations with the people of the house.


Now I will tell you about how to avoid overthinking or how to avoid problems caused by overthinking.

1. Make a habit of living in the present-The person who thinks more sometimes thinks about his past and sometimes thinks about future.
To avoid this, make a habit of living in the present. Focus on the events around you and focus on the work you are doing.

2. Do your favorite work(do what you like)-Whenever you get free time, then do the work of your choice at that time.
For this you can do writing, play a game, do swimming, you can do every good things that you like.

3. Think less-You try to think a little less, that is, think as much as is necessary. Thinking is the habit of a person , but if the right things is thought out at the right time, 

It gives benefit, so instead of thinking more, think less and be good.

4. Forget to useless thinking-Whenever unnecessary things come in your mind, be immediately alerted and remove those things from your mind immediately. 
Initially, you will have some difficulty in doing this, but if you are determined in your mind, then later it will become very easy for you.

5. Develop the habit of good thinking- You should develop a habit of thinking well. Thinking well does not leave room for negative thinking.
Thinking well also makes the mind happy and the mind is also engaged in work, So think well and do well.

6. Listen to music and take meditation-To avoid overthinking you can listen to your favorite music. good music keeps the mind tension free.
You can also use meditation. with this you will be able to motivate your mind to think well and less.

WhEn OvErThInkInG iS a PrObLeM. ThErE wIlL bE sOlUtIoNs.